. The AtomContainer
uses an edge-list data structure for storing the underlying connection table (see The Right Representation for the Job).
Essentially this edge-list representation is efficient in space. Atoms can be shared between and belong to multiple
s. Therefore querying connectivity (is this atom connected to this other atom) is linear time in the number of bonds.The inefficiency of the
can really sting. If someone was to describe Morgan's relaxation algorithm you may implement it like Code 1. The algorithm looks reasonable however it will run much slower than you expected. You may expect the runtime of this algorithm to be ~N2 but it's actually ~N3. I've annotated with XXX
where the extra effort creeps in.
Code 1 - Naive Morgan-like Relaxation (AtomContainer/AtomIter)
// Step 1. Algorithm body int[] prev = new int[mol.getAtomCount()]; int[] next = new int[mol.getAtomCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < mol.getAtomCount(); i++) { next[i] = prev[i] = mol.getAtom(i).getAtomicNumber(); } for (int rep = 0; rep < mol.getAtomCount(); rep++) { // 0..numAtoms for (int j = 0; j < mol.getAtomCount(); j++) { // 0..numAtoms IAtom atom = mol.getAtom(j); // XXX: linear traversal! 0..numBonds for (IBond bond : mol.getConnectedBondsList(atom)) { IAtom nbr = bond.getConnectedAtom(atom); // XXX: linear traversal! 0..numAtoms avg=numAtoms/2 next[j] += prev[mol.getAtomNumber(nbr)]; } }o System.arraycopy(next, 0, prev, 0, next.length); }
A New Start: API Rewrite?
Ultimately to fix this problem correctly, would involve changing the core
representation, unfortunately this would require an API change, optimally I think adding the constraint that atoms/bonds can not be in multiple molecules would be needed**. This would be a monumental change and not one I can stomach right now.
Existing Trade Off: The GraphUtil class
In 2013 I added the
class for converting an AtomContainer
to a more optimal adjacency list (int[][]) that was subsequently used to speed up many algorithms including: ring finding, canonicalisation, and substructure searching. Each time one of these algorithm is invoked with an IAtomContainer
the first step is to build the adjacency list 2D array.
Code 2 - GraphUtil usage
IAtomContainer mol = ...; int[][] adj = GraphUtil.toAdjList(mol); // optional with lookup map to bonds EdgeToBondMap e2b = EdgeToBondMap.withSpaceFor(mol); int[][] adj = GraphUtil.toAdjList(mol, e2b);
Although useful the usage of
is somewhat clunky requiring passing around not just the adjacency list but the original molecule and the EdgeToBondMap
if needed.
Code 3 - GraphUtil Depth First Traversal
void visit(IAtomContainer mol, int[][] adj, EdgeToBondMap bondmap, int beg, int prev) { mol.getAtom(beg).setFlag(CDKConstants.VISITED, true); for (int end : adjlist[beg]) { if (end == prev) continue; if (!mol.getAtom(end).getFlag(CDKConstants.VISITED)) visit(mol, adj, bondmap, end, beg); else bondmap.get(beg, end).setIsInRing(true); // back edge } }
Using the
approach has been successful but due to the clunky-ness I've not felt comfortable exposing the option of passing these through to public APIs. It was only ever meant as an internal optimisation to be hidden from the caller. Beyond causing unintentional poor performance (Code 1) what often happens in a workflow is GraphUtil
is invoked multiple times. A typical use case would be matching multiple SMARTS against one AtomContainer
A New Public API: Atom and Bond References
I wanted something nicer to work with and came up with the idea of using object composition to extend the existing Atom and Bond APIs with methods to improve performance and connectivity checks.
Essentially the idea is to provide two classes, and
and BondRef
that reference a given atom or bond in a particular AtomContainer. An AtomRef
knows about the original atom
it's connected bonds
and the index
, the BondRef
knows about the original bond
, it's index
and the AtomRef
for the connected atoms. The majority of methods (e.g. setSymbol, setImplicitHydrogenCount, setBondOrder) are passed straight through to the original atom. Some methods (such as setAtom on IBond
) are blocked as being unmodifiable.
Code 4 - AtomRef and BondRef structure
class AtomRef implements IAtom { IAtom atm; int idx; List<BondRef> bnds; } class BondRef implements IBond { IBond bnd; int idx; AtomRef beg, end; }
We can now re-write the Morgan-like relaxation (Code 1) using AtomRef and BondRef. The scaling of this algorithm is now ~N2 as you would expect.
Code 5 - Morgan-like Relaxation (AtomRef/AtomIter)
// Step 1. Initial up front conversion cost AtomRef[] arefs = AtomRef.getAtomRefs(mol); // Step 2. Algorithm body int[] prev = new int[mol.getAtomCount()]; int[] next = new int[mol.getAtomCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < mol.getAtomCount(); i++) { next[i] = prev[i] = mol.getAtom(i).getAtomicNumber(); } for (int rep = 0; rep < mol.getAtomCount(); rep++) { for (AtomRef aref : arefs) { int idx = aref.getIndex(); for (BondRef bond : aref.getBonds()) { next[idx] += prev[bond.getConnectedAtom(aref).getIndex()]; } } System.arraycopy(next, 0, prev, 0, next.length); }
The depth first implementation also improves in readability and only requires two arguments.
Code 6 - AromRef Depth First (AtomRef/AtomFlags)
// Step 1. Initial up front conversion cost void visit(AtomRef beg, BondRef prev) { beg.setFlag(CDKConstants.VISITED, true); for (BondRef bond : beg.getBonds()) { if (bond == prev) continue; AtomRef nbr = bond.getConnectedAtom(beg); if (!nbr.getFlag(CDKConstants.VISITED)) visit(nbr, bond); else bond.setIsInRing(true); // back edge } }
I like the idea of exposing the
and BondRef
to public APIs. I wanted to check that the trade-off in calculating and using the GraphUtil
. To test this I wrote a benchmark that implements some variants of a Depth First Search and Morgan-like algorithms. I varied the algorithm implementations and whether I used, IAtomContainer
, GraphUtil
, or AtomRef
The performance was measured over ChEMBL 22 and averaged the run time performance over 1/10th (167,839 records). You can find the code on GitHub ( Each algorithm computes a checksum to verify the same work is being done. Here are the raw results: depthfirst.tsv, and relaxation.tsv.
Depth First Traversal
A Depth first traversal is a linear time algorithm. I tested eight implementations that varied the graph data structure and whether I used an external visit array or atom flags to mark visited atoms. When looking just at initialisation time the
creation is about the same as GraphUtil
. There was some variability between the different variants but I couldn't isolate where the different came from (maybe GC/JIT related). The runtime of the AtomRef
was marginally slower than GraphUtil
. Both were significantly faster (18-20x) than the AtomContainer
to do the traversal. When we look at the total run-time (initialisation+traversal) we see that even for a linear algorithm, the AtomRef
(and GraphUtil
) were ~3x faster. Including the EdgeToBondMap
adds a significant penalty.

Graph Relaxation
A more interesting test is a Morgan-like relaxation, as a more expensive algorithm (N2) it should emphasise any difference between the
and GraphUtil
. The variability in this algorithm is whether we relax over atoms (AtomIter - see Code 1/5) or bonds (BondIter). We see a huge variability in AtomContainer/AtomIter implementation. This is because the algorithm is more susceptible to difference in input (molecule) size.

Clearly the AtomContainer/AtomIter is really bad (~80x slower). Excluding this results shows that as expected the
is slower than the GraphUtil/AtomIter
equivalent (~2x slower). However because the AtomRef
has a richer syntax, we can do a trick with XOR number storage to improve performance or iterate over bonds (BondIter) giving like-for-like speeds.

The proposed
and BondRef
provide a convenience API to use the CDK in a natural way with efficient connectivity access. The conversion to an AtomRef
is efficient and provides a speedup even for linear algorithms. The encapsulation facilities the passing as a public API parameter, users will be able to compute it ahead of time and pass it along to multiple algorithms.
I'm somewhat tempted to provide an equivalent
allowing a drop-in replacement for methods that take the IAtomContainer
interface. It is technically possible to implement writes (e.g. delete bond) efficiently in which case it would no longer be a 'Ref'. Maybe I'll omit that functionality or use a better name?
- ** My colleague Daniel Lowe notes that OPSIN allows atoms to be in multiple molecules and know about their neighbours but it's a bit of a fudge. It's certainly possible with some extra book keeping but prevents some other optimisations from being applied.